
How Mother of Two, Sick of Looking Old & Fat; Loses 160 Pounds and MORE!

Me as a skinny 6-year-old   Whenever I hear people talking about their New Year’s resolution to lose weight or how they are going on this diet or that diet so they can look better in a bikini, I never know whether I should tell them that I’ve lost tons of weight using (mostly) the Atkins 40 diet and, more recently, a combo of two different diets, but more on those later. I mean, why should anyone take my word for it? Although I have a few pictures (unfortunately, most of my personal items were lost in a flood) they might think that I’m bragging or that I’m just exaggerating. I usually don’t say anything unless they ask. It's true that I was thin as a child, but it’s because I was very sickly until I was about 11 years old. I had pneumonia when I was 6 weeks old and it seems as if I got it again almost every year after that. I was so thin at one point that a good gust of wind under my umbrella actually picked me up off the ground! My mother tried to keep weight on me but in the wors...